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Mike Moran - Sarasota County Tax Collector
Venice office closed Feb. 24 - 28. Schedule your appointment at an alternate office.

ID Card

If you need a picture ID but you do not want, or are not eligible for, a driver's license, you may obtain a Florida identification card. Federal law prohibits holding both a driver's license and an identification card.

The card will contain your color photograph, full name, sex, address, date of birth and other required information. The card is valid for the following time:

  • Ages 5 to 14 will be valid for four years
  • Ages 15 and up will be valid for eight years
  • Non-immigrant will expire based on the person's documentation

Sarasota County Locations issuing Florida identification cards.


  1. Age five or older (Exception: Any person, regardless of age, may be issued an identification card if applying for a disabled parking permit.)
  2. Proof of identification*
  3. Proof of Social Security number* (unless one has never been issued)
  4. Two proofs of residential address*

*Be sure to review the document requirements to establish your proof of identity, proof of social security number and proof of residential address.

Identification Cards for Homeless Persons can be issued with a letter from a local homeless shelter verifying they are homeless. The Sarasota County Tax Collector provides this card at no cost, if the person meets the document requirements.

Identification Cards for Persons at or below 100% Poverty Level will be issued, by the Sarasota County Tax Collector at no cost, if the person meets the document requirements and one of the following:

  1. Tax Return from last year with gross income at or below Federal Poverty Level

    Household Size100%Household Size100%
  2. Proof of enrollment in the Department of Children and Families Access Florida Benefits. Proof of enrollment includes Access Florida Benefits documentation or an Access Florida Benefits card. Note: Access Benefits cards that do not have an expiration date will not be accepted; you must provide the Access Florida Benefits document.